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5 Tips To Prepare Copper Wire Scrap For Recycling
5 Tips To Prepare Copper Wire Scrap For Recycling
January 28, 2022

Copper wire is the metal of choice for electrical wiring and transmission because of its abundance and dependability. It also has one of the lowest electrical resistances among all known metal elements in the world. Due to these properties, it's highly profitable to recycle copper wire scrap and it can be further optimized by following some simple procedures. 

Here are 5 simple tips to prepare copper wire scrap to get maximum profits.

Remove Insulation and Other Residues

Quality scrap collectors and recycling companies like Alnor Industries Ltd. pay quite well for bare bright copper, copper tubing, copper chops, and insulated copper wire, with the latter being the most common among these four. Unfortunately, they're also the most challenging to strip due to extensive insulation and residues. You can either remove it yourself or let the professional recyclers do it for you, getting the most out of your scrap in the process.

Identify The Copper Wire's Type

You can save a lot of time by identifying the copper wire scrap types and categorizing them accordingly. This step is beneficial because the recycling factory avoids mixing different wires and classifying them quickens the estimation process, leading to more convenience for the scrapper.

Thoroughly Clean The Wire

Insulation removal is an extremely rigorous process. You'll need to use manual wire cutters to strip and bare the wires. However, the effort is well worth it as scrappers pay handsomely for cleaner wires. That being said, the recycling firm can strip the wires for you in exchange for a small fee, saving you valuable time in the process.

Pack Them in Clean Bags

Sorting the copper wires and processing them in different bags is also another way to optimize the recycling process. If you follow this process, then the scrappers can directly pick up your bags and convey the total estimate of the haul before taking it away for processing.

Weigh Them On Material Scales

It is also prudent to weigh the material's overall recyclable value with scales and then compare the quantity with the latest price of the material on your chosen scrapper's website. Reputable recycling firms always list their newly updated material price table on their homepage for your reference.

Therefore, by following these 5 simple tips, you can get the most out of your copper scrap

Alnor Industries can strip and clean your copper wires with the most transparent and dependable recycling service available. Contact us today to learn about the facility and our expertise in the field of copper recycling.

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